
Transitioning to Alternative Models of Policing Service: Focus Groups and Case Studies Provide Insights. Public Management, Vol. 97 (8): 16-18, 2015.

The Great Recession and its aftermath had a huge impact on local policing, with agencies furloughing, laying off, or defunding positions. Given the fact that public-safety costs consume significant portions of the general-fund budget for local governments, agencies have sought ways to consolidate, merge, or share police services. Read More  

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Pathways to Consolidation: Taking Stock of Transitions to Alternate Models of Police Service. US Dept Of Justice, Office Of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), 2015.

Although consolidating and sharing public safety services has received much attention in recent years, such efforts are not new. Moreover, despite the many communities that have in one way or another consolidated or shared these services, the process of doing so has not become any easier. Read More

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Police Staffing Levels: Disaggregating the Variation. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Vol. 38 (4): 820-839, 2015.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between community type classifications and police strength. Prior research has examined other correlates, but no attempts have been made previously to examine the relationship between community type (as outlined and defined by Chinni and Gimpel, 2010) and police staffing levels. Read More

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Deconsolidation of Public-Safety Agencies Providing Police and Fire Services. International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 25 (4): 361-378, 2015.

In recent years, a growing number of communities have consolidated their police and fire agencies into a single “public-service” agency. Consolidation has appealed to communities seeking to achieve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but resistance has arisen from organized labor and firefighters. Read More

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Staff Perceptions of Public Safety Consolidation: A Multi-Site Assessment. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, 2014.

Michigan has pioneered public safety consolidation and its public-safety departments have often served as models for other communities moving toward consolidation. Understanding how such efforts have fared in Michigan can yield insights on how they might fare elsewhere. To that end, this research surveyed public-safety personnel at three Michigan departments for their perspectives on consolidation.  

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Distinguishing Counterfeit from Authorized Retailers in the Virtual Marketplace. Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Backgrounder Series, 2014.

This brief summarizes research on the characteristics of legitimate and counterfeit websites for a luxury apparel maker and a brand-name audio electronics manufacturer. Counterfeit websites had some distinguishing characteristics likely linked to their transient nature, but also show some effort to “look” like an authorized website. Read More

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Distinguishing Counterfeit From Authentic Product Retailers in the Virtual Marketplace. Program on Police Consolidation and Shared Services, Michigan State University, Research Report, 2014.

Product counterfeiting is a large and growing crime that has many forms of victims, from consumers and corporations to governments and societies. Contributing to this growth, the Internet offers a means by which counterfeiters can easily apply their illicit trade around the globe with relative anonymity. Read More

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Police Staffing Allocation and Managing Workload Demand: A Critical Assessment of Existing Practices. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Vol. 8 (2): 96-108, 2014.

Police agencies take a variety of approaches to determining their staffing allocation needs. Based on a review of the literature, interviews with practitioners representing 20 diverse agencies across the USA and national focus group of 21 staffing experts, this article assesses current trends and experiences in staffing allocation. Read More

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A Performance-Based Approach to Police Staffing and Allocation

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

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