
Liabilities and Responsibilities: Ocean Transportation Intermediaries (OTIs) and the Distribution of Counterfeit Goods. Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 19 (1), 182-187, 2017.

Ocean transportation intermediaries (OTIs) play a crucial role in the distribution of counterfeit goods across the globe. This article describes how OTIs can be held liable for intellectual property rights violations when they ship counterfeit goods. Additionally, this article proposes several practices that OTIs can adopt to mitigate their exposure to intellectual property rights liabilities. Read More

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Adopting Alternative Models of Police Service in Small U.S. Communities. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Vol. 11 (1): 39-51, 2017.

The issues that communities and agencies face when considering whether to adopt an alternative model of police service vary by type of consolidation, level of structural change, local preferences and circumstances, and a wide-array of other variables. Drawing from the literature, a focus group of practitioners, and case studies of four communities that consolidated services in different ways, this research examines the transition process, challenges, and successes of implementing alternative service delivery models. It concludes with a set of themes…

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When Crime Events Defy Classification: The Case of Product Counterfeiting As White-Collar Crime. Security Journal, Vol. 30 (2): 621-639, 2017.

By most accounts, product counterfeiting, a specific type intellectual property crime, is growing in scope, scale and threat and poses serious economic, social and public health harms. In this article, we improve the conceptual understanding of product counterfeiting by critically exploring the validity and implications of broadly classifying this crime. Read More

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An Empirical Examination of Product Counterfeiting Crime Impacting the U.S. Military. Trends in Organized Crime, Vol. 20 (3-4): 316-337, 2017.

Counterfeit parts in the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) supply chain threaten national security by compromising critical military operations and placing the lives of military service members at risk. With the goal of illustrating the nature of the risk as it relates to types of counterfeit parts, how they entered the supply chain, and were identified and processed through the criminal justice system, we assemble and analyze open-source information on criminal schemes involving counterfeits in the DOD supply chain. Read…

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Assessing the Developing Knowledge-Base of Product Counterfeiting: A Content Analysis of Four Decades of Research. Trends in Organized Crime, Vol. 20 (3-4), 338-369, 2017.

Considering the steady and rapid growth of product counterfeiting and the damage it causes to society, it is important for criminology and criminal justice scholars to assist criminal justice officials, industry practitioners, and law makers in understanding the product counterfeiting problem and developing strategies to combat it. However, for researchers to be effective in their advisory role they must first establish what is known about product counterfeiting. As a first step in this process, we investigated relevant published research through…

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Prevalence, Form, and Function of Consolidated Public Safety Departments in the United States. Justice Research and Policy, 2017.

Most communities in the United States provide fire and police services through separate departments, but some operate a single consolidated one for police, fire, and, frequently, emergency medical services. The number of such public safety departments has grown in recent years, but little systematic research has been done on them. This article presents results of a census and subsequent survey of public safety departments in the United States to examine their prevalence, form, and function Read More

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