
Measuring the “Unmeasurable” Approaches to Assessing the Nature and Extent of Product Counterfeiting. International Criminal Justice Review, 2016.

Due to its considerable negative consequences, product counterfeiting is a global problem that is a growing concern for consumers, government entities, law enforcement, and businesses. Unfortunately, current assessments of the nature and extent of the problem are largely unreliable and based on methodologies with significant limitations. Read More

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The Global Risk of Product Counterfeiting: Facilitators of the Criminal Opportunity. Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Backgrounder Series, 2015.

Product counterfeiting represents a growing, global risk that poses many negative consequences for consumers, businesses, governments, national security, the economy, and society. Research suggests that the first step in formulating effective strategies to combat such crime is to understand what shapes the nature of the criminal opportunity. This Backgrounder highlights facilitators of product counterfeiting opportunity. Read More

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Charting the Course: The Roles and Responsibilities of Ocean Going Transportation Intermediaries in the Distribution of Counterfeit Goods. Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Paper Series, 2015.

Whether they know it or not, ocean transportation intermediaries (OTIs) play a crucial role in the distribution of counterfeit goods across the globe. When these companies provide their services to product counterfeiters, they contribute to the proliferation of criminal schemes, and may expose themselves to criminal and civil liability. Read More

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Brand Protection 2020: Perspectives on the Issues Shaping the Global Risk and Response to Product Counterfeiting. Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Paper Series, 2015.

Counterfeit products are a significant global risk to brands and those who hold intellectual property rights to them. Given consumer and organizational dependence on branded products, virtually everyone is vulnerable to counterfeits and has a stake in preventing, identifying, and responding to their occurrence. Read More

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A Performance-Based Approach to Police Staffing and Allocation

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

Brand Protection and the Global Risk of Product Counterfeits: A Total Business Solution Approach

Edward Elgar Publishing