
Law Enforcement in the National Park Service: An Assessment of the Demand for and Allocation of Rangers. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 2019.

This report summarizes the lessons we developed as part of an assessment of law enforcement in the National Park Service. It examines the staffing landscape and what rangers do, key management issues, as well as various approaches to determining staffing levels. Importantly, it offers a new data-driven approach to ranger staffing that integrates principles of operational risk management.

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Ranger Staffing for the National Park Service: A Guide for Meeting Workload Demand and Operational Risk. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 2019.

Based on a national assessment of law enforcement provision in the National Park Service, this guide illustrates a data-driven approach for estimating the appropriate number of rangers that should be assigned to a park to meet strategic objectives and conform to the principles of operational risk management.

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Law Enforcement in the National Park Service: An Assessment of the Investigative Services Branch and Office of Professional Responsibility. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 2019.

As part of a national assessment of law enforcement provision in the National Park Service (NPS), this report summarizes an examination of personnel and workload for the Investigative Services Branch (ISB) and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). ISB provides investigative services for offenses committed at NPS sites whereas OPR investigates complaints against NPS personnel.

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Designing a Total Business Solution Approach to Brand Protection. Brand Protection Professional, Vol. 3 (4): 32-33, 2018.

Brand protection is most effective when implemented as a total business solution, integrating and coordinating key functions across the enterprise toward a common goal. This article reports on benchmark data from 42 respondents (mostly representing brand-owning firms) that identify the key functions that need to be integrated as well as the specific tactics they can implement. Read More

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A Systematic Analysis of Product Counterfeiting Schemes, Offenders, and Victims in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2019.

Despite being a global, growing risk, little systematic research has been conducted on the nature of product counterfeiting schemes. This research examines 196 schemes involving pharmaceutical, electronics, or food counterfeiting where at least one participant was indicted in a U.S. court between 2000 and 2015. The schemes involved 551 individual and 310 business offenders that resulted in trademark violations of 146 brands.

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Officer Views in Contracting, Merger, and Hybrid Agencies. Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 42 (2): 270-283, 2019.

The purpose of this paper is to assess officer perceptions of consolidation of law enforcement agencies under three specific models: contracting, merger and a hybrid of regionalization and contracting. A survey was administered to 139 officers employed by four agencies using one of the models of interest. Officers generally support consolidation, but views vary by agency type. Officers in the contracting agencies, for example, generally viewed consolidation as less cost effective than officers in other agencies viewed it, but were more…

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Examining Officer Support for and Perceived Effects of Police Consolidation. Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 41(6): 828-843, 2018.

The current study surveys 139 officers employed by four agencies that have recently undergone a consolidation of police services.While officers generally support consolidation, views on the effects of shared services vary significantly by level of support. Officers who most strongly support consolidation are also most likely to view it as leading to improvements in some working conditions (e.g. job satisfaction, morale), elements of organizational capacity (e.g. professionalism, investigative/intelligence capacity, recruitment), and the delivery of services (e.g. cost-effectiveness, quality and efficiency…

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A Multi-Site Assessment of Police Consolidation. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2018.

To develop practical resources for policymakers and practitioners, we used a multi-method approach to examine the implementation and effectiveness of three models of police consolidation: merger of agencies, regionalization under which two or more agencies join to provide services in a broader area, and contracting by municipalities with other organizations for police services. Specifically, we conducted field visits, surveys of residents and police officers, and analysis of crime data in four communities that had consolidated their police services. Read More

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A Performance-Based Approach to Police Staffing and Allocation

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

Brand Protection and the Global Risk of Product Counterfeits: A Total Business Solution Approach

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