
Protecting Brands from Counterfeiting Risks: Tactics of a Total Business Solution. Journal of Risk Research, Vol. 24(9): 1141-1160, 2021.

Firms may employ different approaches to protect their products. Previous research has typologized the tactics that firms might use in differing ways; among these have been tactics associated with individual products, those undertaken with partners, and whether a tactic is internally or externally focused. Yet there has been no systematic consideration of all the tactics firms might employ in protecting their brands. This research seeks to identify all the tactics that firms might use in a total business solution to…

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Recruitment and Retention for Workforce Diversity. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing and International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2021.

The purpose of this guidebook is to provide the law enforcement field with information about existing resources for promoting workforce diversity through a variety of staffing mechanisms. More specifically, it focuses on creating a pipeline of officers, marketing, selection, staffing for recruitment, mentorship, organizational climate, career progression, analysis and benchmarking, and substantive focus on women and race/ethnicity. It is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to promote awareness of research and professional publications that may not have been visible…

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A Strategic Roadmap for Building Brand Protection Programs

This work seeks to help firms that wish to organize for brand protection: specifically, to combat product counterfeiting. It presents reasons why firms should organize and how they can do it. It provides an overview of product counterfeiting and how the problem has evolved. Importantly, it presents a framework for assessing the problem and discusses how to implement a total business solution to address it. Read More

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Brand Protection as a Total Business Solution: Webinar and Expert Workshop

In this 60-minute webinar, you will receive a framework for creating a brand protection program, and learn how to apply the framework to your own business, how to become highly strategic, proactive and evidence-based in your fight against product counterfeits & brand infringements, and why you need a brand protection strategy. In the companion 90-minute workshop, brand leaders from Johnson & Johnson, UL, Excellis Health and Pfizer discuss their practical experiences implementing and running a brand protection program, how they…

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“The Critical Role of Communication in Recruitment of Police Officers” in Handbook of Policing, Communication, and Society. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 47-56, 2021.

Communication is critical to the police workforce development process, from recruitment, selection and hiring to training, career progression and executive succession planning. To be sure, each stage requires unique forms of communication in terms of style, form, content, purpose and other attributes. Modestly, this chapter focuses on the first stage of recruitment. It aims to frame key aspects of the recruitment process and the importance of communication to them, highlighting roles, opportunities and challenges for both the organization and recruit.…

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Brand Protection as a Total Business Solution: An Analysis of Key Actions. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, 2020.

The total business solution philosophy provides some guidance on how firms can mitigate the risk of counterfeits to their brands. This perspective contends that firms need to develop a comprehensive, enterprise-wide approach that is strategic, evidence-based and proactive. To discern common elements of this approach in practice, we asked a diverse array of 42 brand protection experts to identify specific tactics that firms could implement. In all, the experts offered 1,347 individual tactics. As part of a larger assessment, we…

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Assessing Brand Integrity ROI: Insights from Research and Practice

Firms struggle to determine both the allocation and deployment of brand integrity resources. To inform decision making, they seek to understand how well their brand integrity function is performing and how to maximize its effectiveness with finite resources. In this webinar, Professor Jeremy Wilson from Michigan State University will share insightful lessons on valuing brand integrity based on his ongoing research and outreach with a wide array of brands across many industries. Placed within the context of a total business…

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Brand Protection Across the Enterprise: Toward a Total-Business Solution. Business Horizons, Vol. 63(3): 363-376, 2020.

To better identify what a total-business solution might look like, we asked a sample of 42 respondents—33 brand-protection practitioners and nine other respondents with academic, service, or other perspectives—to identify all functions and tactics that might be associated with brand-protection efforts. Altogether, respondents identified 38 functions associated with 757 unique tactics among more than 1,300 total tactics. Using these data, we assessed the depth and breadth of each function. Read More

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Attitudes Toward the Police in Communities Using Different Consolidation Models. International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 30(2): 219-234, 2020.

We surveyed residents in four communities with alternative models of policing: a merged department, two agencies that contracts for services, and a regional agency. We asked residents about their confidence in the police. We found that the type of police model was an important predictor of police confidence, controlling for other traditional measures of attitudes toward the police. Read More

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Evidence-Based Planning in the National Park Service: Using Data to Inform Law Enforcement Decision Making and Deployment. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 2019.

In the fall of 2016, we launched a collaborative effort to study law enforcement staffing for the National Park Service. As part of this research, this report aims to illustrate for park law enforcement leadership how data and analysis can inform deployment and strategy. Primary topics covered include crime analysis, traffic accident analysis, call for service data, work schedules, problem-oriented policing, and program evaluation.

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Featured Research

A Performance-Based Approach to Police Staffing and Allocation

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

Brand Protection and the Global Risk of Product Counterfeits: A Total Business Solution Approach

Edward Elgar Publishing